Worship with us at 10 am on Sunday
We gather on Sunday, the Lord's Day, to express our gratitude for God's gifts, to be renewed with Word and Sacrament, and to be sent into the world to serve God and our neighbor. The Service for the Lord's Day combines ancient traditions with modern expressions of spirituality.

From beginning to end, worship is an experience of the Living Word and our response to being the presence of this Word.
Water is poured into the baptismal font as we remember our baptism, the Christ Candle is lighted on the Lord's Table, the Psalms and creative liturgies call us to worship, we confess our faults and shortcoming and are assured of God's mercy with words from sacred texts. We hear Scripture read, and meditate on the Word during the daily message.
Prayers, hymns, and songs express the joy of being with one another and in the presence of the Risen Christ through the mystical communion of God's spirit.
The Word
Scripture is read, and we meditate on the Word during the weekly message.
Prayers, hymns, and songs express the joy of being with one another and in the presence of the Risen Christ through the mystical communion of God's spirit.
Readings are from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). Children are surrounded by the Word during a special time with the children each Sunday.
Our responses to hearing God's claim on us are enacted in prayer, the offering of monetary and spiritual gifts, and via the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The Lord's Supper (Communion, Eucharist) is celebrated the first Sunday of the month. We alternately serve people in the pews and invite worshippers to come to the Lord's Table to observe the sacrament by Intinction (breaking bread from a loaf, dipping the bread into a cup of the fruit of the vine and partaking at the Table).
The whole People of God (that includes children!) are invited to celebrate this joyful feast!
Serving Others
Worship isn't about us or our needs but is an act of dedicating oneself to God's mission in Jesus Christ who came not to be served but to serve others.
Our tradition comes from the 16th century reformer John Calvin who was a pastor in Geneva. At the end of every worship service, the people left the sanctuary and contributed money for the poor of Geneva. They were charged with transforming the world even if it were one person at a time.
We leave worship having experienced God's love and mercy and are called to be that love and mercy in the world.